Our Quality Policy

Gerhart Stamping Inc. commits to providing its customers with quality products while meeting on time delivery expectations. We will meet all Interested Parties requirements, and continually improve our Quality Management System and its processes.

Our Goal

100% Zero Defect, 100% on Time Delivery

Our Quality System is a critical element of every process at Gerhart Stamping, Inc.  Beginning with purchasing of raw material, all the way through to the delivery of finished parts, our quality control department is at the center of it all. We regularly have management review meetings to discuss our quality objectives and review our procedures. All employees are supported with ongoing training to maintain our goal of 100% zero-defect and 100% on-time delivery. This standard is vital to our customers’ success and we take pride in exceeding their expectations.  With each new purchase order, all specifications and dimensions are constantly tracked and monitored throughout the production process. To enhance our inspection capabilities, we employ many programs such as on-line vision systems, statistical process control (SPC), and document control for traceability. We provide Certificate of Conformance (COC), Raw Material Certification, Production Inspection Plans and First Article Inspection (FAI) reports.  Gerhart Stamping, Inc is an ISO 9001 Certified Company. For more information about our Quality System, please see table below or contact us directly.

Click to view our ISO 9001:2015 Certificate (PDF)


Certified Quality Management System ISO 9001

Inspection Nikon Vision Measuring System
Continues Inspection
Online Vision Systems
(Cognex, PPT)
Optical Comparator
(Nikon, Jones & Lamson)
TMM (Mitutoyo)
Swift Scope

Quality/Documents SPC (Statistical Process Control)
COC (Certificate of Conformance)
Raw Material Certification
PPAP (Production Part Approval Process)
FAI (First Article Inspection)
Production Inspection Plan
Race Track inspection
Equipment Calibration
Management Review

Industry Standards ISO 9001
Dodd-Frank (Conflict Materials Act)


Gerhart Stamping Only Uses Top Quality Suppliers
